Guide to JSON for Android Developer (Part 2)

2 min readOct 8, 2022


This is the series of JSON lesson that I extracted from my projects. It consists of
Part 1 : Parsing data from Json to Object (deserialization)
Part 2 : Parsing data from Object to JSON (Serialization)
Part 3 : Create TypeConverter for ROOM Database

Serialization is the process of converting an object into a stream of bytes. That object can then be saved to a database or transferred over a network.

  1. Serialize simple object to JSON using Java
    Using similar case from Part 1. If we have Movie object
val movie = Movie(title = "A Beutiful Mind",
year = "2001",
genre = "Drama Romance",
actor = "Russel Crowe, Jennifer Connelly",
ratings = arrayListOf(Rating("Tomato", "4.7"), Rating("IMDB", "4.8"))

We can convert Movie object to JSON String using function bellow

private fun toJson(movie: Movie) : String {
val jsonObject = JSONObject()
jsonObject.put("Title", movie.title)
jsonObject.put("Year", movie.year)
jsonObject.put("Genre", movie.genre)

val jsonArray = JSONArray()
for (rating in movie.ratings){
val jsonObjRating = JSONObject()
jsonObjRating.put("Source", rating.source)
jsonObjRating.put("Value", rating.value)
jsonObject.put("Ratings", jsonArray)
return jsonObject.toString()

The function will printout JSON String

"Title": "A Beutiful Mind",
"Year": "2001",
"Genre": "Drama Romance",
"Actors": "Russel Crowe, Jennifer Connelly",
"Ratings": [
"Source": "Tomato",
"Value": "4.7"
"Source": "IMDB",
"Value": "4.8"

2. Parsing simple Object to JSON :
Similar with part 1, we can simplify our method by using popular JSON library such as Gson, Jackson, Moshi, Volley, etc.

For example, using Gson library, our function will be :

private fun toJson(movie: Movie) : String {
val gson = GsonBuilder()
return gson.toJson(movie)

In this case because variable name from Movie data class is not identical with JSON key, we must put FieldNamingPolicy.UPPER_CAMEL_CASE. If we have identical variable name data class with JSON key, we can simplify the function further

private fun toJson(movie: Movie) : String {
return Gson().toJson(movie)

Another example if we are using Jackson, the function will be :

private fun toJson(movie: Movie) : String {
val mapper = jacksonObjectMapper()
return mapper.writeValueAsString(movie)

For Part 3 we will analyse some case where complex object parsing to JSON or vice versa. Thank you




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