Google Developer is Terminated. Is this the end of my Android Developer career?
I think this will be a rubbish write up, but just to vent my frustration.
I started my journey as Android Developer through hobby. I was not from Tech industry before, non graduate from Computer Science. But during my spare time, I learn how to create app from my laptop.
After a few month self learn, I sign up for online bootcamp from Udacity for 8 months. Thus I gained some confidence to publish some apps.
My first app was an ebook with 500+ download (before my account was terminated). The app was not very technical, but the download number boost my passion for study deeper.
Subsequently I release a few notably apps such as Pretty Clock and local Earthquake reminder.
With a few apps release as my portfolio, from 2019 I started getting client as freelance remote developer. In some period I was hired as permanent team member for one of software company.
Problem started arise when one of my client asking to use my Google Developer account to upload their apps & I gave an access to him. It was end up with my Google Developer account being terminated due violation in their policy. Appeal was rejected.
2 years up until now, as Android Developer, I had no Google Developer account. No media to showcase my apps other than some ReadMe on Github.
I attempted to upload my KMP apps on Amazon App Store as showcase. But it was unsuccessfull, because the app is using min SDK 25, which does not qualify for any device in Amazon App Store list.