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Building Multiplatform Weather App using KMM : Part 2 — Fetching Data

We already had project setup & UI for each platform from Part 1. It is now time to display the real data that we fetch from our API source. The weather data will be taken from It is a free source but we still need to register to get API Key.
The data will be return in Json format. So in order to get more organize information, it will be nice if we have Class for this model data.
data class WeatherAPIResponse (
@SerialName("coord" ) var coord : Coord? = Coord(),
@SerialName("weather" ) var weather : ArrayList<Weather> = arrayListOf(),
@SerialName("base" ) var base : String? = null,
@SerialName("main" ) var main : Main = Main(),
@SerialName("visibility" ) var visibility : Int? = null,
@SerialName("wind" ) var wind : Wind? = Wind(),
@SerialName("rain" ) var rain : Rain? = Rain(),
@SerialName("clouds" ) var clouds : Clouds? = Clouds(),
@SerialName("dt" ) var dt : Int? = null,
@SerialName("sys" ) var sys : Sys? = Sys(),
@SerialName("timezone" ) var timezone : Int? = null…